Iowa Easement Team Sponsors Digital Billboard During 2023 Okoboji Winter Games

Jan. 26, 2023

The Iowa Easement Team landowners sponsored a digital billboard during the 2023 Okoboji Winter Games, to call out the safety risks of CO2 pipelines.

The billboard features an image from the 2020 Denbury CO2 pipeline rupture that forced the evacuation of the town of Satartia, MS, and sent dozens to the hospital, with some reporting continuing symptoms to this day. Landowners and concerned community members are encouraged to “Google Satartia CO2 Pipeline” to find out more details about the Satartia disaster, and read the investigative journalism: “The Gassing of Satartia.”


Did you see our ads in the Des Moines Register? 


Landowners' Radio Ad Exposes Dangers of CO2 Pipelines with 911 Call from 2020 Explosion